The single most important benefit of using a home care agency is the fact that they employ and supervise their caregivers. You eliminate all the hassles and worries about background checks, tax withholding, benefits and managing your caregiver. That is all done for you. All caregivers are supported and supervised by our professional and dedicated management team.

Houston Home Care Tips

One of the most common behaviors our case managers see among the elderly is that they do not drink enough fluids, especially water. When a case manager at CareWorks, a private duty home care agency in Houston, Texas, performs an assessment, one of the questions they ask the family is how much water does your parent drink? Most of the time the answer to the question is I don’t know or not enough. Did you know that approximately 75% of the human body is made up of water? Water is important for your body and your brain to function properly. Being only 2% dehydrated can seriously affect your physical and mental functions.

Caring for a parent or a family member at home may involve providing only minimal help or it could require 24-hour-a-day assistance.  Receiving care at home allows people to get the help they need without having to leave familiar and safe surroundings.

When family, case managers, or social workers have made the decision that 24-hour care is the best solution, home care may be provided by a trained Live-in home care aide hired through an insured and bonded Home Care Agency (P.A.S. Licensed) to provide this quality care.

From American Care Manager Monthly Newsletter: Millions of Americans wake up in the morning to a cup of coffee or tea and continue to consume one or the other throughout the day.  Seniors are no exception, especially since they have built up a daily routine over their lifetime which includes coffee and/or tea. As a senior care taker you have to answer one question, is drinking an abundance of coffee and or tea something that seniors should continue?